Try on a Shoe Poem
TRY IT ON by Kaden Canales (If the above image resolutions are to o weak, here is the same poem) TRY IT ON by Kaden Canales T ightening your shoe laces R eady to go, walk, run, stand and climb. Y our shoe size may be big or small, but this pair fit just fine. I wear running shoes, you wear flats, with pairs there is freedom to choose. T hose look good, sometimes comfort over price, when they feel right your feet can’t lose. O ld ones get thrown out, they are stained, frayed and torn, N o shoes are story-less, when written down - poetry is born. . Trying on a Poem: When reading the prompt, I was asked to "try on a poem" and describe what it felt like. This was an idea that initially felt foreign and preposterous, but in discussion someone brought up the question of "Are all things Poetry?". The easy answer in my opinion is no, but then I was forced to think: Why