A proof of Graves' Theorem

I wrote a formal proof for Robert Graves' statement: “If there is no money in poetry, neither is there poetry in money.” I have also included the English version of symbolic statements where I think they would be helpful for the reader, although a formal proof would not include such English statements. These statements are denoted by asterisks and are written in gray. You can highlight gray text to make it easier to read. 

“If there is no money in poetry, neither is there poetry in money.”

We begin by defining a few sets, which will be useful in completing the proof:
Let M = {x : x form of money}

                      m = {x : x monetary]

                       P = {x : x is a form of poetry}

                       p = {x : x is poetic}

We state an axiom necessary for the proof:
               Poetry completeness axiom- k p, t P such that t is written about k
*That is, if k is poetic, then there exists a poem that has been written about k*

Thus, we can translate Graves’s statement into the logical statement:

x ((x m) ¬ (x P)) x ((x p) ¬ (x M))
*That is, if it is the case that, for all x, if x is monetary, then x is not a form of money, then it is also the case that, for all x, if x is poetic, x is not a form of money. *

Notice that, by the properties of existential quantifiers and logical operators,
 (x ((x m) ¬ (x P)) x ((x p) ¬ (x M))) x ((x m)  (x P)) x ((x p)  (x M)))

Furthermore, since every statement is logically equivalent to its contrapositive,
 (¬x ((x m)  (x P)) x ((x p)  (x M))) (x ((x p)  (x M)) (x ((x m)  (x P)))

(x ((x m) ¬ (x P)) x ((x p) ¬ (x M))) (x ((x p)  (x M)) (x ((x m)  (x P)))

So, it suffices to prove that:
x ((x p)  (x M)) (x ((x m)  (x P)))
*That is, if it is the case that there exists an x such that x is poetic and x is a form of money, then there must also exist an x such that x is monetary and x is a form of poetry. *

We prove this conditional statement directly: 
*That is, we assume the hypothesis and derive the conclusion*

Assume that 
x ((x p)  (x M))
*This is, the hypothesis of the conditional statement we are trying to prove*

Hence, some form of money is poetic, so by the poetic completeness axiom, a poem must be written about that form of money.

Since, by definition, x((x M) x m)), it follows that M m   
*That is, everything that is a form of money relates to money, and is thus monetary*

So, such a poem must be monetary.

This yields: (x ((x m)  (x P)))
*This is, the conclusion of the conditional statement we are trying to prove*

Thus x ((x p)  (x M)) (x ((x m)  (x P))), so the proof is complete.

- Kevin


  1. This is a very creative way to solve this poetry problem. I won't say I understand the mathy part, but I was definitely intrigued by the detail and struck by the ingenuity!

  2. Oh my god. Wow. I'm so impressed. Color me speechless, this is amazing.

    Obviously, I didn't follow the math 110%, so thanks for the explanation. Not only is this an extremely clever way to answer but it's also a proof to a poetry problem-- there's probably a metaphor somewhere in that, did you intend for that? Anywho, congratulations, this is great.

  3. I really appreciated the Grey text, as that was the only part i understood of this! Creative way to make it semitransparent and therefor focus on solving the question with math rather than words. I think Boca would be impressed!

  4. Wow, this is really complex, but a well thought out response to the problem. I'm impressed. The gray text was helpful for the average reader to follow along. Great work!

  5. I really enjoyed reading through this discourse. As others have noted, the grey text is indeed helpful to follow the proof. A question I still have remaining is where you found this theorem. (My searches have only given me advanced calculus)

  6. This is really interested and creative! If I understood math more I'm sure I'd grasp what it means better but overall this is a really cool post that ties math and poetry together.

  7. I'm going to admit that I did not really understand what was going on at all, but the gray text really saved me so thank you for including that. Overall, I can tell you spent a lot of time working on and thinking about this post, and came up with a very unique and creative way to solve the problem. Valiant effort!

  8. I can't believe you still remember first order logic this well. That stuff was not easy to grasp and easy to remember. Reading this post takes me back to the old days when we took PHIL 103. I recognize most of the proof. From existential to universal quantifiers, the proof honestly is probably the most complex I've seen. Thanks for reminding me of such a great memory through a very creative proof.

  9. Although I can't flex my philosophy knowledge like Matthew, I know enough about writing to recognize that this post is very well done. I would've appreciated more grey text, since I don't really understand logical arguments that well, but your post was unconventional and very intriguing. This shows that all areas of academics can be intertwined and weaved together.

  10. This is a very interesting post and something that I would have never thought of doing. I didn't understand much of it but it's clear that you know what you are talking about and it was nice to see a lot of detail in the post. Great Work!


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